Team Funding

Fundraising support is available for ACUI participating teams.

Partner organizations with available funding include:


ACUI provides funding to teams as part of the ACUI Clay Targets Inc. 501(c)3 entity formed to manage the grant awarded by Larry and Brenda Potterfield. ACUI has been a recipient of the grant since 2012 and will continue to apply as long as it is available.

ACUI hosts both regional competitions and an international competition to not only provide student leadership and competitive opportunities, but also to promote the sport. Through these events, teams share fundraising efforts and best practices as a part of their networking.

How your team can maximize your fundraising efforts with the help of the MidwayUSA Foundation: 

  • The award funds earned by teams are donated from ACUI to the MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account for the team earning the award.  
  • Teams must have a MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account in place with the MidwayUSA Foundation for the award to be donated.  To set up a team endowment account, please visit To understand the terms of holding an account please visit their website. ACUI does not pay teams directly but deposits awards in team accounts directly with the foundation.  
  • If you already have an account in your team name, please make plans to have your account administered in perpetuity by applying for the annual grant based on your team balance and keeping your team contact information up to date. 
  • It’s helpful to have your team name in the ACUI database and the name on your foundation account be the same. This avoids confusion when the donations are made.
  • All awards that include donations to a team endowment account at the MidwayUSA Foundation will be deposited by ACUI. Once donated, the funds belong to the MidwayUSA Foundation in the name of the team and are held in their endowment account.

The donations from ACUI to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Accounts were established to benefit collegiate and youth shooting teams and are made possible, in part, by grants to ACUI from the Tulsa Community Foundation Youth Shooting Fund established and funded by the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield.